
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Chocolate Strawberry Pie

So, I love Pinterest, maybe too much, just like so many folks out there...So I was cruising around and found this oh-so-delicious looking pie.  The recipe looks good and all, but I wanted a little more.  So I came up with an oreo crust, chocolate ganache, strawberry, chocolate pudding pie, pulling the oreo crust recipe from here, and the ganache recipe from here.  With all said and done, it turned out DELICIOUS, but I would make some tweaks (check out my follow up at the end!)

Chocolate Strawberry Pie


22 (~ 2 1/2 cups crushed) Oreos
4 Tbs unsalted butter (melted)
3 oz. bittersweet bakers chocolate
1/2 c. heavy whipping cream
Strawberries (1 lb. would be sufficient)
1 small box chocolate pudding
milk (follow box directions)


Crust:  Place Oreo's (minus the filling) in a food processor, process until nice and fine.  Remove to a bowl and add melted butter.  Mix thoroughly and place in pie plate.  Refrigerate until firm.

Bottom Layer with Ganache: Wash strawberries and cut in half.  Set aside.  Warm heavy whipping cream in a small saucepan.  As that heats, chop bakers chocolate into fine pieces.  Place chocolate in a bowl, topped with warmed heavy cream and whisk until smooth.  Once smooth, pour ganache into crust, placing cut strawberries on bottom as full as you can.

Pudding: Mix pudding as directed and pour into pie plate.  Top with remaining strawberries!

Follow Up

No doubt this was DELICIOUS.  However, the crust was super crumbly.  4 Tbs did not seem like enough butter, but I did not increase it.  Next time I definitely will, maybe even to 6 Tbs.  The ganache layer was great, but not very separate from the pudding and hard to discern.  It might be good to let it set up before pouring the pudding in.  And then lastly, the pudding was great, I would like something that is a bit more set up.  But overall, you can't go wrong with this!

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