
Monday, February 20, 2012

Fun with Yarn

As I said in my first post, a friend is having a baby girl and I feel compelled to just make a to of stuff for her.  I have no job right now, why not use my creative juice to make adorable baby things?

It started with the idea of an adorable pixie hat.  I found this one one Etsy that spurred  my desire to make it.  The adorable baby is definitely a selling point to.  Have you ever seen a more adorable baby?  I am not sure I have.  I want it.  That's besides the point.  The hat is adorable also so I set out to knit one somewhat similar.  Keep in mind, I am not a master knitter.  I have knitted half a scarf, another half a scarf, a big hat, and that's about it.  But having the hat experience of reading from a pattern, I felt a little more confident.  So I searched for a pattern that looked cute and also measurements for the size of a baby head and came up with something.  It's still not totally complete, but getting there.   Here's a peek at it:
Hopefully I will finish it today, and hopefully it fits right!

Then.  I found this tutorial for crocheted baby booties.  Super cute right?  But I realized that she is going to be born in June, and crocheted boots in June?  Poor thing will die from sweating.  So ballet flats was more the idea.  I used the tutorial for the first half of the shoe, up until the point that it started making the boot part.  I searched around for some cute ideas and found these ones.  So basic shoe from the tutorial, plus the ruffle idea, and I came up with these (the second  one has yet to be completed):
They are pretty darn cute and small and adorable, in my opinion, maybe I'm just bias.  :)

A baby quilt is soon to come too :)  I figure I have a bit of time to get that done, still need time to find the perfect matching fabric!

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